Ambush! - The Online Geek Community
Computer Related => Hardware => Topic started by: snauzberries on November 10, 2005, 08:32:36 PM
nope u rember wrong :D
hey u can use that to make the ambush name know in florida
Already on it. :D
I'm right now trying to figure out how I am going to turn the top of my laptop to the Ambush! logo.
Well i have a couple of Ideas for you.
Send me an email. Mainly I would like to have it in a high quality look.
send me a pic of the front of you laptop for a reference,
I have no way of sending a photo to you, I even tried to look for it online but all I found was photos of it opened so you cannot see the top. Here is the model if you want to try looking for some photos: HP Compaq nx9600
Will do I need to see it so I can get al idea, what are the dimensions
Dimensions (L x W x H) 11.14 x 15.67 x 1.99 in.
Cool. I can now see what i can do. Is the to very flat, what color is it.
I do also wany it to stand out too.
Take a look at the 3D product demo here:
Yep, thats it.
My only problems with this laptop is two things:
1) It is a HP Compaq
2) It has an Intel based cpu
zw should know that the graphics are from ati as well
it's made by satan himself.:evil
So what?
I would switch between both ATI and nVidia depending on which one is the best on the market.
Intel just cannot compare to AMD.
Actually, ATI makes a majority of the mobile graphics chipsets. And the mobile graphics from ATI is usually righteous.
well i was hoping for a comical remark from zw but that didn't happen.
i'm impartial about everything as long as it works like it is supposed to. but andrew is all like, "that is such a stupid post your stupid blah blah blah.. now come over here and help me with my c++ assignment."
i just whatnted something funny why do i get yelled at:cry:
Come over here so I can pistol whip you.
i really hope your not bored (
I should do that to
i want to keep my ears thank you very much
What would you use them for?
Head ornimants?
So Jolly, any ideas for my laptop?
well theres a place here that does vynle stickers and I can create a Hires image that could blend with your laptop making it look good.
or I could see if i could find some one to air brush it on.
sticker would run no more then $50.00
air bushing, not sure
Send me some images for the stickers. I don't to have it painted because it might get all scratched up.
Alright. I will get it to you maybe wednesday or thursday. Maybe sooner. but we'll see.
Sounds good to me.
I'm not in a rush to get this done, I still have two years to work on it.
Speaking on laptops....hey jolly....newspaper...whould it overheat?
by itself no, but if you apply a flame...Then yes it would
:hotbouns: Feed my pretty. Feed and grow to consume the world!! :hotbouns:
Uh, guys?
Aw, thats cute!
But really, I want something that will cover the whole top of the laptop. I am also going to remove the HP emblem and replace it with another better case emblem.
or fill it in and make it smooth paint the top and add the large Ambush! logo!
P0wn4g3 right there.
I don't really want to paint my laptop yet. But I would like to get a big Ambush! logo on top.
Well we can figure out something
Maybe even with something that has Mr. [A!]nderson written in it with a picture of neo.
No, Just The Mr. Anderson, And the Ambush! Logo. You don't want to make a relationship to Neo Directly, Unless you want to get seriously Flamed. by someone who dosen't understand. plus, You want to advertise Ambush! right, Not the MAtrix.
Just my thought
I guess so....
As I remember, the original design for covering the button only. Just suggesting there bud.
What button are you talking about?
To me, that sticker looked like a bumper sticer. Nothing the size that I wanted.