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Author Topic: VFF - Mark 2.0  (Read 115843 times)

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Offline JollyRoger

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Re: VFF - Mark 2.0
« Reply #225 on: August 09, 2009, 01:07:39 PM »
Jolly slams the entire bottle of what is now Tabasco with out even flinching. He looks at Opie and smile as his arm bleed profusely. He then disappears into the shadows with a satisfying belch.

ZW looks with amazement at the feat that he just witnessed.

Jolly chuckles and returns to his hiding spot.
No matter how hard you try to push the envelope, remember it's only stationary.

Offline ZWarrior

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Re: VFF - Mark 2.0
« Reply #226 on: August 10, 2009, 07:43:23 AM »
ZW watches as a mosquito lands on Jolly and takes it's turn at the tap.  After completing it's feast the mosquito begins to fly off and promptly explodes in a large fireball.

ZW makes a mental note to invest in Tobasco as an explosive weapon.
Zoë: Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing?
Book: Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps.

Offline opiesilver

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Re: VFF - Mark 2.0
« Reply #227 on: August 10, 2009, 01:37:34 PM »
Safely back at the workcenter, Opie notices a slight mechanical impairment in the lower extremity of his arm.  *activating repair sequence*  Millions of nanites repair the damage in mere seconds.

Opie reviews the long distance video surveillance to see what happened.  Hmmm....one well placed sniper shot...one exploding mosquito....seems as though the self destruct for non human hosts works quite well.  It took me months to perfect the crystalline programming matrix in those little "helpers".  "Computer, activate real time surveillance of the target call Jolly"


Jolly feels the sudden fireball behind him and smells his own burnt hair.  He dives for cover and raises his weapon to suppress enemy action suspecting ZWarrior was going for the easy frag.  No one is there.....   He whips out his bio scanner and to his amazement there are no life signs within 300 yards.  "WTH....."  He continues to scan for possible threats.....nothing.  A few seconds later he feels another fireball by his leg and smells his scorched skin.  He leaps around guns blazing away at nothing.  Feeling extreme fear he takes off running for an abandoned building.  Once inside and feeling slightly safer he starts to relax ad only then notices how bad his stomach feels.  "Oh no....I've got to find a bathroom...and quick"


Meanwhile ZWarrior using his own observation methods from afar watches as Jolly runs towards the only bathroom left standing in town only to drop to his knees on feet from it's door.  Jolly grabs his head and starts shaking violently.  He begins screaming something unintelligible and then his facial features suddenly and without reason begin to change.  Jolly curls up in a tight ball and ZWarrior can no longer see his face.  A few minutes pass and ZWarrior thinks that at least he was smart enough not to drink the entire bottle of that crap Opie had planted.  ZW assumes that he just witnessed the painful end to the Jolly Roger but then Jolly staggers to his feet....something isn't right...he's somehow taller...Jolly stands fully upright...his back to ZWarrior.  Yeah something definitely isn't right...  Jolly slowly turns around and has.....Opie's face!!


Opie sits back and pops open a can of his new favorite drink, Big Red, and continues to watch with bemusement....I look so much better in stereo....time to watch ZWarrior for a while.


ZWarrior is dumbstruck when he realizes that he's not feeling well either....could it have been something in the Tabasco?
Mediocre people are always at their best.

Offline JollyRoger

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Re: VFF - Mark 2.0
« Reply #228 on: August 11, 2009, 04:24:33 AM »
ZW's PDA starts to beep alerting him of a new SMS message. Still stunned by the events that just happened he is startled by the alert. He looks at his PDA and presses the read message button.

'Scanning for viruses...'

A half of a second later the message pops up and reads: "It's the mosquito's. Avoid. Tabasco is safe. -Jolly"

Jolly's newly installed neuro-tranceiver has uplinked with a sms gateway and sent a brief message before it self destructed after the attack by Opie.
No matter how hard you try to push the envelope, remember it's only stationary.

Offline ZWarrior

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Re: VFF - Mark 2.0
« Reply #229 on: August 12, 2009, 10:15:12 PM »
ZW activates his personal virus scanner and scans himself for any discrepancies.

'Atomic and Digital anomalies found -- 231'

"Opie!!!!  I am so going to kill that bugger."

ZW begins the process of cleansing the anomalies in a safe location...
Zoë: Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing?
Book: Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps.

Offline opiesilver

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Re: VFF - Mark 2.0
« Reply #230 on: August 13, 2009, 01:02:05 AM »
"Don't try it Zwarrior....just accept your fate....those little babies self destruct when tampered with.  Ahh, the up-link is online....."

The nanobots have reused the material that was ZWarriors trigger finger to construct a narrow band full duplex up-link relay with a remote system on the moon.  As soon as the up-link went on-line Opie started to download the system security specs and databases form ZWarrior's PDA.

"That damn PDA is tied into everything he controls, except maybe his useless Blackberry.  Hell, it can't even take a decent picture.  Oh look...he's running a lightly patched Solaris 8.  Wonder if I can make it send his brain a UDP buffer overflow ping and reboot him."

At the exact moment that Opie sends his UDP ping command, ZWarrior lurches bolt upright and then topples over with a blank look on his face.

"WOOT!!  I warned him about the dangers of technology....at least OLD technology anyway.  Aww crap, he's rebooted already.  I swear that someday I will figure out how to build a processor faster than his brain.  Oh well, this little experiment is a success.  I'll just finish downloading his email.  Let's see.....4000 spam....3000 MS Technet Articles....tickets to the ballgame....emails from some guy named Del....this is all crap!!!  Where is the good stuff?  He's got over 250,000 messages saved to that thing...just how much memory does it have?  10tb on a microSD?  wow....  Oh good....here it is."

Opie finds the recipes folder....

"I have it....his secret ingredients."

Suddenly the DMZ locks down and goes offline....

"Nice....he tried booby trapping those....knew it was too easy.  OK, what do we have....encrytion keys, recipes, and a ton of useless emails.  Oh wait...what do we have here?  Jolly's last transmission...."it's the mosquitos".   LOL  He never realized that it was his nano infected blood that was making them explode."

Opie types a long string of commands into a console.  His finger lingers over the return key as if he's contemplating something.

"Well, time to activate the JOpieBot."

He presses the return key and reactivates an unused keyhole satellite still in orbit.   JOpieBot, who was formerly know as Jolly, begins to move.  The JOpieBots eyes are glowing a brilliant red....
Mediocre people are always at their best.

Offline ZWarrior

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Re: VFF - Mark 2.0
« Reply #231 on: August 13, 2009, 09:15:12 PM »
*At least somebody is getting hit by the muse*
Zoë: Shepard, isn't the Bible kind of specific about killing?
Book: Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the area of kneecaps.

Offline JollyRoger

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Re: VFF - Mark 2.0
« Reply #232 on: August 14, 2009, 04:34:03 PM »
Meanwhile up just above the clouds a small metallic orb floats. It has been there for some time now, just listening. It has been in a passive mode collecting data, decrypting encryption key, and mapping all the communication networks that have been established.

As it lost communication with Jolly's neuro-transceiver, it switched from passive mode to complete its task by any means necessary. 

in the next two and a half milliseconds...
It initializes a connection with Opie's nano-bot control station.
It opens up a data node with a microwave antenna.
It issues a set of instructions to the nano-bot control station and issues a reconfiguration command  to the nano-bots.
As this is being executed the microwave antenna is being realigned to aim at Opie's hideout.
in the next three milliseconds...
Now that the area around Opie's hideout is being flooded with microwaves, and the nano-bots have been reconfigured,
the small orb executes a small math equation to the nano-bot through the controller.
The final set of instructions are sent to the nano-bot and they start to resonate the with the microwaves.
This starts a feedback loop throughout the network of nano-bots and a singularity is created.
the entire quadrant that Opie resides in is sucked into the singularity, and then the singularity goes dormant.

The Orb goes back into passive mode and cloaks it's self.

Jolly re spawns in to the VFF and takes a look around.
"What a mess, ZW is going to be mad..."

Jolly quickly hides.

No matter how hard you try to push the envelope, remember it's only stationary.

Offline opiesilver

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Re: VFF - Mark 2.0
« Reply #233 on: August 14, 2009, 07:19:50 PM »
"Hehehehe....got to love Schrödinger...he was right about the cat.......and me too."

Opie's home base reappears fromseemingly nothing.

Mediocre people are always at their best.

